This is not a random post
Greetings to you who are bored..
Greetings to you who are bored..
H4xed by
5/28/2006 12:33:00 am
Now, now. Due to Gloria's lying ability, I just want to announce and officially affirm that I am not gay. Right now, I'm so depressed it's hilariously not funny.
With that aside, I'll proceed to blogging.
Now, one of the joys of blogging is writing up a whole lot of nothing and thinking that people are actually gonna read it. It's like William Jame's theory of conscious being a flowing continuum. I'm practically writing down whatever comes to my mind. (typing I meant*****asteriskomgasterisk***)
Homework is on a whole new level due to what I've brought upon myself. (Let's see, not studying since...I dont know...February?) Slowly attempting to finish off math chapters and slotting objects into my mind is slowly slowly! I don't know why I didn't acknowledge this earlier - But studying is a heckuva lot more satisfying than playing World of Warcraft (honestly, I'd say no but...) Comparing learning everything about radiation and light to gaining omgomgomglegendaryorangeomgomgomg items in WoW is in a word, exhilirating.
Yes I'm not a nerd. You heard that right. I'm in this process of transition (and hope to remain) from a g33k to a nerd. In case you're asking, those are the only two categories of teenagers that ever exist now. You use a computer, you're a g33k. You study, you're a nerd. Capice?
If you don't do either, you're a fully grown adult (This theory will grow obsolete in negative-5 years considering the great increase in adult use of computers)
Now onto the more interesting things in life -
I would absolutely love to do something similar to this sometime in my life with a soulmate and even a couple of mates- that is the absolute thrill of life
Also, English is an absolute life skill and a joy to apply to society.
I cannot let down the World of Warcraft buddies out there - This is an absolute joy to take to heart...zomg.
This is bound to win me the grrllzz for sure. Bring it on.
(I need to go and buy WoW now.)
This has been Maurice.
H4xed by
5/11/2006 11:08:00 pm
Ok thanks to those that took Maurice's advice on spamming me with the viagra ads. I have found myself ordering a whole box of the stuff, and blogging.
Ah yes, do let me intrigue myself with your attempts at working out both sides of the equation. And perhaps, calculate your probablities. (I knew what I have learned in class would come in handy one day)
Hmm, wuddya think Maurice? Maybe we should start a dating service? Might as well earn some good dosh before we head off to national service ey =p
My appologies to Mauray Beta for neglecting it for such a long time. It has been a while since I have posted something here is it not? (Yes yes, I know, you guys don't want me here =p)
School work has been the usual, with me failing every single subject and assessment.
Maurice...did you just say girls? =p
And omg whats that?!
*runs* *gets shot* *dies*
H4xed by
5/10/2006 07:57:00 pm
A regular fray of updates is about to come and overwhelm the masses.
Ray's not posting anything yet...Do flame him for me plskkthx (AKA spam his email address with viagra ads)
Most people don't know who I am, so I'll be frank. I'm about 75kg, am of the height 160cm, only slightly obese...And you guessed it - I absolutely love eating. I'm quite nerdy in fact...I play a lot of World of Warcraft and I have not many friends. There's also this girl I like...Several, in fact. But this particular one...Well she just pops into my head all the time and makes me wonder about life. And yes, I do spend all my day in front of the computer. I behave anti-socially and I -
That was a puzzle. Do you have THE Maurice in you? (Pick me out)
On to the more important things in life. Perhaps we'll delve more into the mind of Maurice.
pr0n aside, WoW aside, schoolwork aside(sif)...We see Maurice for who he is. A fat dutch naval ship.
Let's look at one concept of Maurice today that I have noticed has been questioned several times for an approximate duration of 3-4 years. "Why do you not like Grrlllzz? Do you love being single or something?"
First: Heck, any boy who despise girls should come to me and we'll sort things out (Yes, girl germs therapy, I like to call it). Girls, yes, girlsgirlsgirls. yeeeessssss. Clear on that?
Second: Oh boy, do I LOVE being single. I really don't feel a need to be bound to any opposite gender sharing my life and committing to something - oh not at this age that is. You want something to work out; you must REALLY want it to work out. And that applies to both sides of the equation. Probability of that? Let Ray work it out for you.
Oh yes indeed, count on Maurice to be the dude who gives you advice on your relationships.
Signing off,
Maurice- theworstboyfriendagirlcouldeverhave?
H4xed by
5/09/2006 10:01:00 pm
Well, for those of you who were absolutely bagging for more stick goodness, hereya go!
Another idea me and Ray were copping up with was a podcast to make up for the site's complete lack of funni-ness. The basic idea is to hook up over Skype or MSN on voice, and record the conversation. What's more interesting to note is that we'd love to have guest speakers/interviewees/presentations, etc.!
So, if you're loving the idea, leave a comment and spread more love to the community around you.
Luvs, Mauray.
H4xed by
5/08/2006 11:07:00 pm
Behold! The Dutch naval ships returneth beyondeth myeth verieth realitieth!
Yes, yes. She's rusting indeed- this blog of ours. (Note to self: Girlfriend will arrive in 2 years...patience.)
I am hardly inclined to humiliating myself to drawing stick figures. And no, nor will I post nude pictures of myself on the internet- thank you for that. OMGOMGXXXHOTHOTMAURICENUDEOMGOMG
With that aside, I hardly (think you deserve it) want to apologise to the poor viewers holding out on this protentially devastatingly boring blog and wish to express my (con)adolescence to those specific viewers.
Oh and yes, to the dude who so kindly promoted that degree thing- I already hold a PhD in several clinics and sections of society. One of them including "PhD of Raiding", "PhD of Lunaticm" and before this goes nowhere funny, I'll just stop. Like now.
With that, I'll get on to my blogger duties. I think a vast majority of people reading this blog I do know of (Yes, that's about the whole internet- hey
But I think I'll leave a couple of thoughts. I had a random dream in my sleep (And a pattern observed- I slept early for once at about 12 am) and it included something quite emo-like.
Here we go:
Imagine migrating to a totally different-cultured country (Eg me- Singapore to Australia) and leaving things behind. And as you get used to things around you, you meet new friends, etc. Suddenly something happens...What? Someone new comes into your school- of course there'll be the introductions, she picks your "gang" to hang out with, etc. And the twist is this- all of a sudden one day, it strikes you really hard in the back of your head that this new friend of yours so happens to be a past childhood friend of which you have had "relations" with be it cute or not.
And this dream elaborated into a scene of the character realizing at the moment he is third-partying the date of which this new friend is dating another friend. And from there it's a haze.
But mate! What was all that about?! I'm not known to be a drastically emotical-emotional-uh, emoooooooooooistic person but somehow this happens in the innocent duration of my sleep.
That's so gotta become a featurette script for a Music video for the next Asian popstar who debuts.
Anyway, Maurice signing off.
H4xed by
5/07/2006 10:49:00 pm
Oh good good, we're getting remarkable popularity and feedback due to this blog.
Just yesterday, I gave this little kid my autograph. Not that he actually wanted it, but I felt like a good citizen!
Thanks to the people of which most I don't know who've dropped by and given this blog a look over. Sorry, I'm not a very good blogg-ist myself and this could be stated as a...past-time. I'll be updating tonight and we'll make it sweet. I do however encourage visitors to have a look through the previous archives and take a voyeuristic glance into our lives (Yeah, like Big Brother).
Anyone have any ideas and stuff, or wants to join us with blogging can e-mail enquiries to either of our e-mail addresses. and
Holidays are coming soon and we'll jump for joy, dancing and burning our books in a tribal stance while I return to my socially reclusive environment of computer games. I hope you folks out there have a good holiday and (heh) get ready for term 2!
This has been Maurice, dancing with cuteness on Mauray Beta.
Signing out.
H4xed by
3/09/2006 05:06:00 pm
There's not much to say for today's update...Ray came up with the script as per-usual, and a great shout-out goes to Zhen for a bout of indirect inspiration!
Mauray like a stingray bobbing in the hay with a pinkish day, wondering if gay was another May, you wouldn't really know till you say "Okay!"
Mauray, out.
H4xed by
2/23/2006 07:19:00 pm
Agony is a result of pain. Fear pain, therefore fear the cute.
Trust not the cute. And patronise not the cute. Enough for this midnight update.
Brain is tied not to cute. But brain can dream cute. Let not brain dream cute.
(Edit: Will you just shut up with cute and go on already?!)
Anyway, hope you enjoyed tod-tonight's comical ventrous into the minds of Mauray or in this case...Maurice. Raymond will resume his position as script-writer as of tomorrow, keep watching this space for more of this stick-ey...ness!
Baddabing baddabang~
H4xed by
2/20/2006 10:47:00 pm
I wanna take you to the gay bar!!!
Good luck with the date scabbin mate =p, Im keeping mine XD
Anyways, I agree with Maurice. Who cares if you don't have a date, it is not as though its some form of humiliation. Ever heard of Single and Lovin' it?
I was quite surprised by the sudden revival of mauray-beta actually and I do give Maurice the credit of doing so.
I think it is getting late. God Bless and take care guys.
H4xed by
2/19/2006 03:11:00 am
This mail has been circulating since 1925 (that's right, when there WAS NO internet and some nutcase decided to format it into email format)that is...CURSED! So anyway, if you don't pass it to 1439857 people in the next five minutes, your brain will fry and you'll be haunted by this ancient monster man (who will creep up to you while you're asleep and eat your uh, fried brains.)
Anyway, honestly enough of that. I totally agree with anyone who says not to use MS Paint to draw these images. As you can see from the above, our generation is believing in every single chain mail, chain sentence, chain letter, chain words and chain males (hahahaha)!I on the other hand, think that chain stuff is totally awesome. It's like the best thing next to friendster, hi5 and ....asiagroove(?) to show off the limitless number of friends you have. It's also the best way to scare people obviously, and also to spark off a conversation with that person you so secretly admire (Trust me, it happens).
Anyway that's enough about chain mails, they're annoying, they're pointless and they're repetitive. Some of the good ones that "remind you of life" are quite nice and meaningful, but if they didn't have that "pass it to at least" phrase at the end of it, I'd be quite satisfied.
/rant #1
Ahhh yes, the year 11 formal coming up in two months. The desperation in the wind, the painful taste of worry filling the palate, single men and women looking around hoping not to be humiliated at the aspect of being single for that night or ever. These my friends, are merely the stages of relentless rambles in the phases of your growing up. You look good already, you smell good already, you're great! Bachelors, unite! We are the proud, the humble, the invulnerable! And together, surely we're able to pull through! I don't want a date for the night, but someone to dance with apart from a broomstick would be much appreciated (As I said, any guy who doesn't want to dance with his date, you know who to ask)Alright, alright enough with the crappy pictures, I hear you say. I totally agree, I need to find some new way to draw stuff that looks good. In case any of you are wondering "wth, wtf, wtg?!" the "gay bar" has to do with anything, have a listen to this song. I can assure you however, that I have not led you on a journey to watch gay pornography in that link as much as you would think that I'd do it. Let the song seep into your mind like a virus and stick that rhyme in your head, and you'll understand what I mean.
Okay, that's all from me for now, have a nice one!
Jubbabba bup!
H4xed by
2/19/2006 12:01:00 am
Gday Gday! Hope we got your attention this time round, coz we're planning a come back with our humorous sense of humorous sense of humour. And by the time we're through with that, we'd hit home base! Realise that the time is nigh for bedtime but rest assured, Mauray Beta is back! Keep watching this space for more and more and keep laughing! ;)
Take care folks,
Mauray Beta (
P.S sorry for the terrible mess of layout. But as mentioned in image no.2, we'd like help in some aspects (whether or not anyone would bother) in terms of design, comics contribution and rant, basically what we're doing at the moment...but MORE people!
H4xed by
2/18/2006 01:17:00 am