Monday, March 14, 2005

My turn? Your turn?

I guess now its my turn to post. Ill try to make it a routine to do it every night, but if you know me well, its highly unlikely that it would happen.
It was quite a hot day today, the kind of weather that makes you wanna take off your clothes and run around the streets naked (oh there goes another person). There is no better way to finish of the long weekend than to do your never-ending homework. Well theres not much to say now, Im out.

Take care guys,

PS: Project Mauray is going to rock!!


The weekend was long but I pulled through...
Made a trip down to the Grampians with relatives in a very confined car (Yes, I believe I have pleaded for my dad to get himself a spacious 4-wheeler about 12309798735 times)
Rather long and rocky walks we had up there for two days but not much else besides a fantastic place we found.

But I believe I must've mentioned to friends once or twice. It is hard to order a drive-thru with Asian parents. "uh uh uh corfeeee and the Maakkkk-Cheekhennnss burgaaa" No I believe I exaggerated that. But should I put down fully what my dad attempted to order it would unfortunately have filled up my whole blog entry for today.
Not to worry, my parents and relatives have a right to a good name and I wish not to be sued for defamation over the internet.

Nevertheless, I cannot humbly say I have done much with the development of Mauray Beta these few insignificant days. The funniness for today's rant has ended. I bid everyone farewell.

Snikericey cars....mmm.....