Saturday, March 12, 2005

Mauray Beta

As promised, details on Mauray Beta will be posted for our viewers (if any) to see.
Mauray Beta is basically a beta phase for a project we are trying to work on.
Basically, it is going to be a regularly updated online comic (how regular we do not know).

Now as we are but high school students with our own numerous agendas (evil laugh), a project like this that requires time and effort will only hinder our studies (Yeah, right.)

For now, we will stick to this n00b layout that is oh-so compelling until we can get a proper template up and running.
Future plans for Mauray Beta is to move out of the Beta phase once we have our newly acquired "skillz" and l33tness. Truly, the path of t3h l33t is a hard and dangerous one full of toils and snares.

Mauray Beta also aims to provide our viewers an interesting outlook of our very lives. (Yes, like reality TV...Only...Much better and much more interactive!)

Please do take note however, that this is just an overview of our plans and further details will be posted down the line.

Thanks for dropping by once more :)

Hey guys, yea, be patient, it'll be worth it in the end. We are going to rock?(maybe) If you have any questions etc..send us a msg @ . Feel free to ask us anything, more about our project, more about us, about your problems(?) and we MIGHT answer them =p. Well anyways, we'll leave it here for now.

From your admin crew
Maurice and Ray

Exploring the depths of t3h h34t.

Yes, the land temperature is cool but the scorching heat from the sun is something not tolerable.
Now, the equation is as follows:
let x=t3h h34t
let y=t3h cl4ss


Yes, that's right. For the first time in ages past, my consciousness dissipated in the last period of school (Commerce, undoubtedbly) for approximately 15 minutes during which I wandered off to dreamland. What I dreamed of, I shall not say in this rant. But thank goodness for the weekend! School has been a real drag recently. But who's to say it never is? :)

Well Hi!
I'm Maurice. That's right, Maurice Yong. Well you can call me Snikeron if you want (My wide-spread internet alias). And I know where you live. So don't come messing around with the wrong guy. As Raymond said, prepare to ph34r t3h reptitiveness of our rants. We'll be working on the templates when we can get our plans confirmed. But as for now, I guess we should get more acquinted and you can learn more about us through our rants.

p34c3 0utZ~~~~~
(and some other abbreviations of letters and numbers)