Saturday, May 28, 2005
Yep what Ray said
Heh exams are over.
Something good about that indeed ;)
Well I'm just here to post a really super-rushed comic we thought we found humorous.
best regards folks
H4xed by
5/28/2005 12:59:00 am
comments update
With the exams out of the way, I was able to finally update this thing. So thus, just to show that I have never forgotten about this "site" (blog) I actually made up a comic in my commerce exam. Maurice is gonna fix it up, improve on it and post it =D. So yea...a few hr(s) till you guys finally get comic number two from Mauray.
Ps. Yoda is da coolest guy (under a meter tall) that I know..for those of you who have seen episode 3 and felt like your life is finally complete...get another life...
I did...
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5/28/2005 12:20:00 am
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Am I on? Testing...You sure? *feedback* Oh okay...Thanks.
I've been doing very constructive stuff these few days and it has been very exciting!
Like like...Sitting down on the chair facing two consecutive computer screens and carrying about my daily or rather nightly activities.
Lately I've been thinking of dropping my camera lust and heading off on a new venture towards owning my very first drum kit. And it's interesting because of the vast learning curve involved with many styles to choose from.
But heh, we'll see what happens. Nothing on comics so far actually. I'm beginning to feel that my drawing is lacking a certain well being of l33tness.
But that l33tness will be found and I will pursuade it to unleash its inner garfield self with dutch naval ships undergoing immense surgeries on outgoing patience.
Sorry, it's quite deep into the night and Im getting that split eye effect. It actually might have to do with using two screens at once. But nonetheless, I promise a strip up tomorrow or rather...later today.
H4xed by
4/07/2005 12:54:00 am
Sunday, April 03, 2005
hey guys =D
Haha, I jus came bak from camp and Im as dead as ever..but just to tell u guys...its MAURICE's BIRTHDAY TODAY! so u guys can drop him a little "happi birthday"
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4/03/2005 06:48:00 pm
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
I pwnzed j00 lah.
Or rather I pwnzed myself lor.
Heh, the immenseness of my warped soul today is not making any sense so I won't speak any further on Dutch naval ships.
Thanks for the appreciative laugh. I appreciate it. Really.
Yeah anyway, I really should start sleeping earlier these days to catch up on lost sleep and also to catch up on work that I gladly missed out on.
I just had a great experience over the Easter weekend at our Church's Easter Camp and above all things I really have to thank God for the hearts that were so deeply touched by His hand. It was also a handful of sleepless nights talking nonsence (Riding the shoe salesman and the Horse of Justice) and also getting high on coffee, fruit and plastic (Don't ask me).
I was also proud to claim the "Loudest Snorer on Campus" award for my excellent participation in the snoring ensemble and also for solo performance. Other than that, I felt that the camp was excellent.
That's all from me for today. More entertainment shall come at a later time when I feel like it.
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3/29/2005 05:35:00 pm
Monday, March 28, 2005
Its me again...
After the amount of sleep I got throughout the Easter "break"
I came up wif this =D
by lemontea?
H4xed by
3/28/2005 09:03:00 pm
Thursday, March 24, 2005
w4t tr|x!!
Most of you will probably be going "Whoa, you're an early person." but keep in mind that I have school. Right now I'm busy indulging in random amounts of codes and variables that must fulfill a certain protocol. Surely, that hurts my mind right when I'm most vulnerable AND hungry in the morning.
Just thought maybe I'd try out ranting in school and it should turn out as normal.
Heh, just as you'll expect more from us, I'd expect more from you for spreading the word of this "blog". Surely, your friends should find it l33t just as you do.
H4xed by
3/24/2005 09:01:00 am
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Seems so...
"You put these cookies here DELIBERATELY and...PURPOSEFULLY, knew I would come..."
Yes, and indeed I have returned from updating this seemingly dead post. I am extremely proud also to say that the previous post was the 10th post!! w000!!! Very l33t and schw33t, yes...
Well I've got an Easter camp coming up soon and what can I say?...The joy of blissful UN-sleep...
But I have to cram my homework too...I must say that the teachers have chosen the PERFECT day for term 1 stuff to be due in...The Tuesday after Easter Monday...Of course, all hardships will be awarded and true enough, I have recieved naught any homework over the holidays besides History which can be done after the holidays anyway.
And yes...very w00t3y ind33d. I am about to purchase l33t g34r to "heighten" my l33t guit4r skillz (ph34r d3m). If none of you can guess, well it's a pack of strings and a 5c pick. Nope, I'm just kidding...I've had my eyes for some time on the Boss ME-50..."The pedal that stood the test of time" or so the store fella said...I will have to continue my hunt for this ME pedal because it is l33t and Billy Hydes didn't have them in stock. Nevertheless, perseverance is virtue. Thus, I shall pursue that l33tness in my mind in hope of virtue in return.
If you have actually read this far I praise you for thy patience is of limitless p0w4 and l33tness.
~The rice of all rice. Maurice.
H4xed by
3/23/2005 08:07:00 pm
PST...The first ever.
First comic in:
Mauray Beta Crew
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3/23/2005 08:02:00 pm
Hey guys
Once again, I do apologize for not giving you guys a rant as often as I said (as if you guys would want me to anyway). Today was a day of ass pains, back pains, arm soreness and the list goes on...A trip to Phillip Island worked out to be: over 5 hrs on the bus + 2 hrs of free movement. Thank God for the ipod, or I would not even be doing this rant today. As I am back home now, I do NOT want to talk about it again. Well, as for Maurice, he did not have an ipod, so he died. Just kiddin'. Anyways I am way to tired to go on.
God bless and take care
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3/23/2005 05:40:00 pm
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Another one bites the dust...
Heh as you can see, Ray and I have already skived about two days of rants. Spare us please, I shall throw you a shiny object...No not very shiny.
I have not gained access to proper resources yet but I can assure you, the first comic is underway fine and dandy.
Well today's just another old school day. Except that I endured a double period of IT (good thing) and a double period of Chinese (bad thing) with Mr Yu (VERY bad thing).
Thankfully I'm right back on track and ACTUALLY updating my rants!!
Well here, you go...A shiny object.
~Got rice? More-rice.
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3/17/2005 10:38:00 pm
Monday, March 14, 2005
My turn? Your turn?
I guess now its my turn to post. Ill try to make it a routine to do it every night, but if you know me well, its highly unlikely that it would happen.
It was quite a hot day today, the kind of weather that makes you wanna take off your clothes and run around the streets naked (oh there goes another person). There is no better way to finish of the long weekend than to do your never-ending homework. Well theres not much to say now, Im out.
Take care guys,
PS: Project Mauray is going to rock!!
H4xed by
3/14/2005 08:19:00 pm
The weekend was long but I pulled through...
Made a trip down to the Grampians with relatives in a very confined car (Yes, I believe I have pleaded for my dad to get himself a spacious 4-wheeler about 12309798735 times)
Rather long and rocky walks we had up there for two days but not much else besides a fantastic place we found.
But I believe I must've mentioned to friends once or twice. It is hard to order a drive-thru with Asian parents. "uh uh uh corfeeee and the Maakkkk-Cheekhennnss burgaaa" No I believe I exaggerated that. But should I put down fully what my dad attempted to order it would unfortunately have filled up my whole blog entry for today.
Not to worry, my parents and relatives have a right to a good name and I wish not to be sued for defamation over the internet.
Nevertheless, I cannot humbly say I have done much with the development of Mauray Beta these few insignificant days. The funniness for today's rant has ended. I bid everyone farewell.
Snikericey cars....mmm.....
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3/14/2005 07:30:00 pm
Saturday, March 12, 2005
Mauray Beta
As promised, details on Mauray Beta will be posted for our viewers (if any) to see.
Mauray Beta is basically a beta phase for a project we are trying to work on.
Basically, it is going to be a regularly updated online comic (how regular we do not know).
Now as we are but high school students with our own numerous agendas (evil laugh), a project like this that requires time and effort will only hinder our studies (Yeah, right.)
For now, we will stick to this n00b layout that is oh-so compelling until we can get a proper template up and running.
Future plans for Mauray Beta is to move out of the Beta phase once we have our newly acquired "skillz" and l33tness. Truly, the path of t3h l33t is a hard and dangerous one full of toils and snares.
Mauray Beta also aims to provide our viewers an interesting outlook of our very lives. (Yes, like reality TV...Only...Much better and much more interactive!)
Please do take note however, that this is just an overview of our plans and further details will be posted down the line.
Thanks for dropping by once more :)
Hey guys, yea, be patient, it'll be worth it in the end. We are going to rock?(maybe) If you have any questions etc..send us a msg @ . Feel free to ask us anything, more about our project, more about us, about your problems(?) and we MIGHT answer them =p. Well anyways, we'll leave it here for now.
From your admin crew
Maurice and Ray
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3/12/2005 12:45:00 am
Exploring the depths of t3h h34t.
Yes, the land temperature is cool but the scorching heat from the sun is something not tolerable.
Now, the equation is as follows:
let x=t3h h34t
let y=t3h cl4ss
Yes, that's right. For the first time in ages past, my consciousness dissipated in the last period of school (Commerce, undoubtedbly) for approximately 15 minutes during which I wandered off to dreamland. What I dreamed of, I shall not say in this rant. But thank goodness for the weekend! School has been a real drag recently. But who's to say it never is? :)
Well Hi!
I'm Maurice. That's right, Maurice Yong. Well you can call me Snikeron if you want (My wide-spread internet alias). And I know where you live. So don't come messing around with the wrong guy. As Raymond said, prepare to ph34r t3h reptitiveness of our rants. We'll be working on the templates when we can get our plans confirmed. But as for now, I guess we should get more acquinted and you can learn more about us through our rants.
p34c3 0utZ~~~~~
(and some other abbreviations of letters and numbers)
H4xed by
3/12/2005 12:03:00 am
Friday, March 11, 2005
hey guys
hey guys...jus got home from skoo b4...tired as...yea tis is my account...RAYMONDs account...well u guys would hear a lot more from maurice n i...=p so bear it
H4xed by
3/11/2005 05:03:00 pm
dead ray...
haha im stuffed...stil got chinese...maths n hist N commerce 2 do...oh no...btw...1st eva post...not bad huh? =pull b ceein quite a lot of me in here XDtis is raymond btwnice meetin ya =p
H4xed by
3/11/2005 04:56:00 pm
Welcome to Mauray Beta
Mauray Beta is currently undergoing test phase Stage 1.
Details on Mauray Beta will be posted over the coming days.
So keep watching this space :)
For now, we're still trying to figure out our own administrative details. But all will be sorted out soon enough.
For your information, this account Mauray will be used in the future only for administrative purposes and all rants and casual posts will be made by Raymond and Maurice themselves.
Once again, thanks for dropping by.
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3/11/2005 12:01:00 am