Monday, March 14, 2005


The weekend was long but I pulled through...
Made a trip down to the Grampians with relatives in a very confined car (Yes, I believe I have pleaded for my dad to get himself a spacious 4-wheeler about 12309798735 times)
Rather long and rocky walks we had up there for two days but not much else besides a fantastic place we found.

But I believe I must've mentioned to friends once or twice. It is hard to order a drive-thru with Asian parents. "uh uh uh corfeeee and the Maakkkk-Cheekhennnss burgaaa" No I believe I exaggerated that. But should I put down fully what my dad attempted to order it would unfortunately have filled up my whole blog entry for today.
Not to worry, my parents and relatives have a right to a good name and I wish not to be sued for defamation over the internet.

Nevertheless, I cannot humbly say I have done much with the development of Mauray Beta these few insignificant days. The funniness for today's rant has ended. I bid everyone farewell.

Snikericey cars....mmm.....

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