Sunday, February 03, 2008

So, a warlock came along...and he said "Hey I have a soulstone" So I was like, "Hey cool, ressurect me"

I honestly, honestly wanted to pop a couple of pictures here but *technological rant inserts here*
Anyway, things have been pretty cool. Text is boring. BUT, I have been doing a significant amount of reading while racking up flight hours in Flight Simulator 2004 (Buy me Xplane 9 or FSX+Acc and I'll be your noodles while you be the soup)

I have been unable to speak to a great many of you with reasons being listed in order of relevance:
1) I am a lazy bastarr-do (You say it with the Russell Peter Italiano accent: bastarr-do? NO bastarr-do...Bastarr-d-NO bastarr-do)
2) I tend to be absent from the computer even though MSN (Yes, the greatest indicator of a human being's existence ever) shows me as "online"
3) We're 3 hours apart, I'm here without you babeh
4) I'm taking multiple shots at Crosswind landings 36 knots perpendicular with a 100000 lbs overloaded 747 struggling to center that dratted ILS
5) Live for speed, say no more.
6) I hate people.
7) I could've written an email but writing mails are so the-romanticism-period. Plus, referring back to 1) I really can't be bothered sifting through the stale address book of my coming to 8 years old hotmail account. I mean, hotmail actually saves the MSN names of these people. C'mon PEOPLE, your names are for names. At least have your name in the first twenty or so characters before turning your name into a diary entry or boast-fest to demonstrate wealth, love, desire, skill, support, youtube and blogs. I mean, HOW THE HECK am I supposed to know who "I love you so much it hurts some times." is?! Is he man? Is she woman? Is he woman? Is she man? Is he Cloverfield? Is she John McClane?
8) I just love you guys so much it hurts some times. (Ah, but you see, it's the lucky number 8)

Singapore has been both fun and boring all the same. It's fun being able to speak 10 words of Chinese and have a bowl of laksa, a plate of carrot cake, two lots of satay sitting at the table with sugarcane juice to gulp it down.
It is also wet. By that, I refer not to our country getting all kinky, but that it's humid humid humid humid hot hot hot hot hot hot and sticky sticky sticky sticky sticky.
My neighbours are tolerant of my midnight musical pangs. I bang on the piano, I bang on the guitar and I get my larynx banging hard at the best hours of the night. Heck, I'm so gonna get myself a cheap student violin and shriek away. Who knows, they might even vote (read: evict) me as the best neighbour ever. As Avril Lavigne once said, "The Best Damn Thing"

I also swore to start a huge exercising regime the moment I arrived but have failed to do so until about Friday. So I thought I'd give it a shot on Friday. I ran and panted in short notice. I jumped and landed, okay well, spot on. I lay and sat up with plenty more to spare, and here's the kicker...I got to the bar and pulled 3. THREE. With no exercise in the past month coming to two, and just food coming in I had gone from two to three. I swear, Singaporean food is filled with pixie dust. The stuff that makes boys men and men...hypogryphons? Oooo, Centaurs would be cool too.

I've also enjoyed watching box-cars drive by. For example, the toyota Wish. Amazing car, that. Now, before you go off to google images....Imagine a Prius. Good good, keep that image in your head.Now imagine someone made a Prius limo. Yep, excellent you're getting there. Now imagine the idiot reversed his brand new Prius limo into a flat wall at 100kilometres per hour (Okay being a toyota...make that 50.) Now I know, it's meant to be a minivan...But the thing isn't that much bigger than a Prius! It's a Prius with square buttocks! Likewise with the Honda Stream and the Odyssey. They are the sexiest cars I have ever seen. All square-buttocks-ey and all.

Well, it's been brilliant typing to no one, hoping someone reads it and goes "Hey this guy is cool" or I'll ship him a Toyota Wish. Or perhaps a Honda Stream, what with the whole "V-TEC y0" thing as opposed to "This Hybrid is pimpin bro". I don't even know if Priusbob Squarebuttocks utilizes a hybrid engine.

On that bombshell, it's time to disengage autopilot and descend to FL120 for initial approach to Seattle International. I'll keep in touch, keep frosty, ride hard, rock on, have a good one, and all the other fancy imsocoolforsayingthis farewells.

God bless,


Anonymous said...

hey this guy is so cool.

blog again once you reach 4? now that's something to celebrate about.

the writer. said...


good to see some activity in SG :)

Wnder how ure doing.. (Y)

Anonymous said...

ROFL .. 3 thats weak mau ... was pulling 10 easilyish when i got my bar ^^ .. anyway gl with the whole army thing

kennethlimjunliang said...

rock on!